Paedagogium Platform
We are an innovative platform and advisory body to the leadership of Charles University, dedicated to developing pedagogical competencies and supporting the professional growth of academic staff. Our goal is to co-create a supportive environment in which academic staff at Charles University can acquire not only theoretical knowledge but also practical skills and experience in higher education pedagogy and didactics.
What are our main principles?
- Openness to innovation and new trends, topics and collaborations.
- Evidence-based approach to higher education pedagogy.
- Respect for the needs and experiences of our heterogeneous target group.
Statute of the Paedagogium Platform
Since 2023, Paedagogium, in accordance with Rector’s Directive No. 38/2023, has become an advisory body to the leadership of Charles University, with its scope defined in the Statute. Paedagogium primarily:
- monitors the area of pedagogical competencies at Charles University and implements long-term visions in this field,
- identifies current issues or deficiencies in the area of pedagogical competencies at Charles University,
- prepares recommendations and opinions for the Rector, the university leadership or faculty leadership, on matters concerning pedagogical competencies, teaching quality, the implementation of modern teaching methods,
- provides input on strategic issues regarding the development of pedagogical competencies at Charles University,
- contributes to the enhancement of pedagogical competencies at Charles University, for example, by organizing conferences and issuing methodological recommendations,
- facilitates communication between the leadership of Charles University and the faculties in the area of pedagogical competencies,
- proposes to the Rector a competency framework for university teachers at Charles University,
- provides input on the minimum requirements for Basic Pedagogical Skills Courses at Charles University, particularly regarding their content and evaluation criteria,
- reviews the proposals for Basic Pedagogical Skills Courses submitted by individual faculties,
- prepares proposals for awards for teaching excellence,
- nominates candidates for awards for teaching excellence,
- collaborates with other bodies at Charles University.