Pedagogical Competences at Higher Education Institutions: Why and How to Improve them?
Thank you for attending the 1st International Paedagogium Platform Conference! Your involvement in the development of pedagogical competences at higher education institutions is greatly appreciated.
The conference took place on 13 November 2023 as a hybrid event with online live streaming.
For those who were unable to attend the conference, and for those of you who wish to revisit the conference presentations, video recordings are now available on YouTube:
- full conference recording – original audio (in the language of the presentations)
- full conference recording – English interpretation.
Thank you for your support and active contribution to the discussions. Your involvement has created a space for valuable exchange of experience and will contribute to further improvements in the field of higher education pedagogy.
We are also pleased to invite you to the 2nd Paedagogium Platform Conference in November 2024. Information on the date, venue and programme can be found here.
We are already looking forward to seeing you there!